====== Domains ====== Domains represent the unique powers and abilities that deities can grant to their followers. Each domain is themed around a particular divine aspect. Clerics may select any two of the domains granted by their deity. Clerics without a deity may select any two domains (choices are subject to DM approval). ==== Air Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Azeal, Bahamut, Obanon\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain electricity resistance equal to your class level.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//obscuring mist//, **2nd**—//wind wall//, **3rd**—//gaseous form//, **4th**—//air walk//, **5th**—//control winds//, **6th**—//chain lightning//, **7th**—//elemental body IV// (air only), **8th**—//whirlwind//, **9th**—//elemental swarm// (air spell only). ==== Animal Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Carabel, Crurath, Sehanine\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain the wild empathy class feature (see the druid ability of the same name), and add Nature to your list of class skills.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//calm animals//, **2nd**—//hold animal//, **3rd**—//dominate animal//, **4th**—//summon nature’s ally IV// (animals only), **5th**—//commune with nature//, **6th**—//antilife shell//, **7th**—//animal shapes//, **8th**—//summon nature’s ally VIII// (animals only), **9th**—//shapechange//. ==== Chaos Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Brom, Demogorgon, Ethrandil, Goza, Lolth, Myya, Sehanine\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any chaos spell you cast.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//protection from law//, **2nd**—//shatter//, **3rd**—//magic circle against law//, **4th**—//chaos hammer//, **5th**—//dispel law//, **6th**—//animate objects//, **7th**—//word of chaos//, **8th**—//cloak of chaos//, **9th**—//summon monster IX// (chaos spell only). ==== Death Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Usthara\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +4 bonus on your check and damage rolls when rebuking or commanding undead.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//cause fear//, **2nd**—//death knell//, **3rd**—//animate dead//, **4th**—//death ward//, **5th**—//slay living//, **6th**—//create undead//, **7th**—//destruction//, **8th**—//create greater undead//, **9th**—//wail of the banshee//. ==== Destruction Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Asmodeus, Felice, Lolth, St. Leo, Tiamat\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +1 bonus on all damage rolls, plus an additional +1 every eight class levels.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//true strike//, **2nd**—//shatter//, **3rd**—//rage//, **4th**—//inflict critical wounds//, **5th**—//shout//, **6th**—//harm//, **7th**—//disintegrate//, **8th**—//earthquake//, **9th**—//implosion//. ==== Earth Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Adora, Carabel, Mintarak, Moradin, Obanon\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain acid resistance equal to your class level.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//magic stone//, **2nd**—//soften earth and stone//, **3rd**—//stone shape//, **4th**—//spike stones//, **5th**—//wall of stone//, **6th**—//stoneskin//, **7th**—//elemental body IV// (earth only), **8th**—//earthquake//, **9th**—//elemental swarm// (earth spell only). ==== Evil Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Asmodeus, Bane, Crurath, Demogorgon, Lolth, Mintarak, Tiamat, Vecna\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any evil spell you cast.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//protection from good//, **2nd**—//desecrate//, **3rd**—//magic circle against good//, **4th**—//unholy blight//, **5th**—//dispel good//, **6th**—//create undead//, **7th**—//blasphemy//, **8th**—//unholy aura//, **9th**—//summon monster IX// (evil spell only). ==== Fire Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Asmodeus, Felice, Illuminati, Obanon\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain fire resistance equal to your class level.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//burning hands//, **2nd**—//produce flame//, **3rd**—//fireball//, **4th**—//wall of fire//, **5th**—//fire shield//, **6th**—//fire seeds//, **7th**—//elemental body IV// (fire only), **8th**—//incendiary cloud//, **9th**—//elemental swarm// (fire spell only). ==== Good Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Alutte, Bahamut, Baupo, Brom, Carabel, Ethrandil, Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Moradin, Myya, Sagus, St. Leo\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any good spell you cast.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//protection from evil//, **2nd**—//aid//, **3rd**—//magic circle against evil//, **4th**—//holy smite//, **5th**—//dispel evil//, **6th**—//blade barrier//, **7th**—//holy word//, **8th**—//holy aura//, **9th**—//summon monster IX// (good spell only). ==== Healing Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Hylas, Mirra\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the amount of hit points restored.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//cure light wounds//, **2nd**—//cure moderate wounds//, **3rd**—//cure serious wounds//, **4th**—//cure critical wounds//, **5th**—//mass cure light wounds//, **6th**—//heal//, **7th**—//regenerate//, **8th**—//mass cure critical wounds//, **9th**—//mass heal//. ==== Knowledge Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Baupo, Erathis, Ioun, Sagus, Vecna\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain the lore class feature (see the bard ability of the same name).\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//comprehend languages//, **2nd**—//detect thoughts//, **3rd**—//speak with dead//, **4th**—//divination//, **5th**—//true seeing//, **6th**—//find the path//, **7th**—//legend lore//, **8th**—//discern location//, **9th**—//foresight//. ==== Law Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Asmodeus, Bane, Erathis, Luxar, Mintarak, Moradin, St. Leo, Tiamat, Usthara\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any law spell you cast.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//protection from chaos//, **2nd**—//calm emotions//, **3rd**—//magic circle against chaos//, **4th**—//order’s wrath//, **5th**—//dispel chaos//, **6th**—//hold monster//, **7th**—//dictum//, **8th**—//shield of law//, **9th**—//summon monster IX// (law spell only). ==== Luck Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Alutte, Bahamut, Baupo, Helmrod, Myya, Goza\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You can reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//true strike//, **2nd**—//aid//, **3rd**—//protection from energy//, **4th**—//freedom of movement//, **5th**—//break enchantment//, **6th**—//mislead//, **7th**—//spell turning//, **8th**—//moment of prescience//, **9th**—//miracle//. ==== Magic Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Ethrandil, Ioun, Sagus, Vecna\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain the use magic device class feature (see the rogue ability of the same name).\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//identify//, **2nd**—//magic mouth//, **3rd**—//dispel magic//, **4th**—//imbue with spell ability//, **5th**—//spell resistance//, **6th**—//antimagic field//, **7th**—//spell turning//, **8th**—//protection from spells//, **9th**—//Mordenkainen’s disjunction//. ==== Plant Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Adora, Carabel, Obanon, Sehanine\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +1 natural armor bonus, and add Nature to your list of class skills.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//entangle//, **2nd**—//barkskin//, **3rd**—//plant growth//, **4th**—//command plants//, **5th**—//wall of thorns//, **6th**—//repel wood//, **7th**—//animate plants//, **8th**—//control plants//, **9th**—//shambler//. ==== Protection Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Bahamut, Erathis, Helmrod, Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Mintarak, Moradin, Usthara\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//sanctuary//, **2nd**—//shield other//, **3rd**—//protection from energy//, **4th**—//spell immunity//, **5th**—//spell resistance//, **6th**—//antimagic field//, **7th**—//repulsion//, **8th**—//mind blank//, **9th**—//prismatic sphere//. ==== Strength Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Bane, Brom\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You can add your Wisdom modifier to all Strength checks and Athletics checks.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//enlarge person//, **2nd**—//bull’s strength//, **3rd**—//magic vestment//, **4th**—//spell immunity//, **5th**—//righteous might//, **6th**—//stoneskin//, **7th**—//Bigby’s grasping hand//, **8th**—//Bigby’s clenched fist//, **9th**—//Bigby’s crushing hand//. ==== Sun Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Sagus, St. Leo\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +4 bonus on your check and damage rolls when turning or destroying undead.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//endure elements//, **2nd**—//heat metal//, **3rd**—//searing light//, **4th**—//fire shield//, **5th**—//flame strike//, **6th**—//fire seeds//, **7th**—//sunbeam//, **8th**—//sunburst//, **9th**—//prismatic sphere//. ==== Travel Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Alutte, Azeal, Helmrod\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain a +10 foot bonus to your movement speed.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//longstrider//, **2nd**—//locate object//, **3rd**—//fly//, **4th**—//dimension door//, **5th**—//teleport//, **6th**—//find the path//, **7th**—//greater teleport//, **8th**—//phase door//, **9th**—//astral projection//. ==== Trickery Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Alutte, Demogorgon, Goza, Ioun, Lolth, Sehanine, Tiamat\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain an additional skill point per class level, and add Deception and Stealth to your list of class skills.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//disguise self//, **2nd**—//invisibility//, **3rd**—//nondetection//, **4th**—//confusion//, **5th**—//false vision//, **6th**—//mislead//, **7th**—//screen//, **8th**—//mass invisibility//, **9th**—//time stop//. ==== War Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Bane, Brom, Ethrandil, Luxar\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain the Weapon Focus feat for the weapon group in which your deity’s favored weapon belongs. If your deity’s favored weapon belongs to more than one weapon group, you choose one of those weapon groups to gain Weapon Focus in.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//magic weapon//, **2nd**—//spiritual weapon//, **3rd**—//magic vestment//, **4th**—//divine power//, **5th**—//flame strike//, **6th**—//blade barrier//, **7th**—//power word blind//, **8th**—//power word stun//, **9th**—//power word kill//. ==== Water Domain ==== echo "Deities:"; Baupo, Demogorgon, Mirra, Obanon\\ echo "Granted Powers:"; You gain cold resistance equal to your class level.\\ echo "Domain Spells:"; **1st**—//obscuring mist//, **2nd**—//fog cloud//, **3rd**—//water breathing//, **4th**—//control water//, **5th**—//ice storm//, **6th**—//cone of cold//, **7th**—//elemental body IV// (water only), **8th**—//horrid wilting//, **9th**—//elemental swarm// (water spell only).