====== Horizon Walker ====== The horizon walker is an unceasing traveler to the universe’s most dangerous places. As her journeys take her from place to place, she adapts to become one with her environment. In time, she develops a mystic connection with the ground beneath her. But she is by no means tied to a particular place; her restless feet are ever leading her toward the horizon, where new adventures await. Horizon walkers tend to be hard to surprise or impress, because they've seen so many wonders during their travels. It’s common for a horizon walker to have an outward attitude of “been there, done that.” But horizon walkers are gripped by an unquenchable wanderlust, so they’re always in the midst of a journey or planning their next one. As they travel, horizon walkers develop a magical resonance with the terrain that surrounds them, making them unparalleled guides and scouts. And they’re formidable foes when their travels take them into danger, able to use the terrain they know so well to good advantage. ===== Prerequisites ===== echo "Base Attack Bonus:"; +3\\ echo "Skills:"; Nature (5 ranks)\\ echo "Feats:"; Endurance\\ echo "Special:"; Must have traveled to at least one plane of existence other than her native plane ===== Class Attributes ===== echo "Hit Dice:"; d8\\ echo "Armor Proficiencies:"; None\\ echo "Weapon Proficiencies:"; None\\ echo "Skill Points/Level:"; 6 + Int\\ echo "Class Skills:"; Athletics (Str), Cosmology (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Int), Linguistics (Int), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Trade (Int) ^Level^BAB^Fort^Ref^Will^Special| |1st|+1|+2|+2|+0|Favored Terrain, Planar Attunement| |2nd|+2|+3|+3|+0|Terrain Mastery| |3rd|+3|+3|+3|+1|Favored Terrain| |4th|+4|+4|+4|+1|Planar Mastery| |5th|+5|+4|+4|+1|Favored Terrain| |6th|+6|+5|+5|+2|Terrain Mastery| |7th|+7|+5|+5|+2|Favored Terrain| |8th|+8|+6|+6|+2|Planar Mastery| |9th|+9|+6|+6|+3|Favored Terrain| |10th|+10|+7|+7|+3|Terrain Mastery, Master of All Lands| ===== Class Features ===== echo "Favored Terrain (Ex):"; At 1st level, a horizon walker may select a favored terrain from the ranger Favored Terrain list. This works exactly like the ranger favored terrain ability. The horizon walker gains an additional favored terrain at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. If the horizon walker has abilities from other classes that only work in a favored terrain (such as a ranger’s hide in plain sight ability), those abilities work in favored terrains selected as a horizon walker. echo "Planar Attunement (Ex):"; At 1st level, the horizon walker is treated as being under the effects of a permanent //avoid planar effects// spell. echo "Terrain Mastery (Ex):"; At 2nd level, a horizon walker selects a favored terrain to master. When within this terrain the horizon walker gains a +2 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls, and grants a +2 bonus on Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks to all allies within 60 feet who can see and hear her. The character masters one additional terrain at 6th and 10th level. Mastery of each terrain has additional benefits, outlined below; these benefits apply to the horizon walker at all times whether or not she is in the relevant terrain. * echo "Aquatic:"; The horizon walker gains an additional +10 ft. increase to her swim speed, and adds //wall of water// (SC 235) to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Cold:"; The horizon walker gains cold resistance 10, and adds //ice storm// to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Desert:"; The horizon walker gains fire resistance 10, and adds //wall of fire// to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Forest:"; The horizon walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Stealth checks, and adds //tree stride// to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Jungle:"; The horizon walker gains +4 to her CMD, and adds //vine mine// (SC 230) to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Mountains:"; The horizon walker gains an additional +10 ft. increase to her climb speed, and adds //wall of stone// to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Plains:"; The horizon walker gains an additional +10 ft. increase to her land speed, and adds //wind wall// to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Swamp:"; The horizon walker gains tremorsense with a range of 30 feet, and adds //swamp stride// (SC 217) to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Underground:"; The horizon walker gains blindsense out to a range of 10 feet, and adds //sudden stalagmite// (SC 213) to her list of spell-like abilities. * echo "Urban:"; The horizon walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks, and adds //reflective disguise// (SC 171) to her list of spell-like abilities. echo "Planar Mastery (Su):"; As the horizon walker gains experience, she learns how to channel her connection to the cosmos and bend it to her will. At 4th level, and again at 8th level, the horizon walker can choose one of the following abilities: * echo "Astral Stride:"; The horizon walker can use //dimension door// as a spell-like ability 3 times per day with a caster level equal to her character level. * echo "Defy Gravity:"; The horizon walker can use //fly// (self only) as a spell-like ability 3 times per day with a caster level equal to her character level. * echo "Path of Shadow:"; The horizon walker can use //shadow walk// as a spell-like ability once per day with a caster level equal to her character level. * echo "Phase Out:"; The horizon walker can use //ethereal jaunt// as a spell-like ability once per day with a caster level equal to her character level. echo "Master of All Lands (Su):"; At 10th level, the horizon walker becomes familiar with and comfortable in all possible terrains. Her terrain bonus in all favored terrains increases by +2, and she treats all other terrains as if they were favored terrains (+2 bonus). If a naturally occurring condition of temperature or weather requires a check or saving throw, she automatically succeeds. All allies within 60 feet of her gain a +2 bonus on these checks and saves; if the horizon walker is in a mastered terrain, this bonus increases to +4. \\