====== Tiefling ====== Heirs to an ancient, infernal bloodline, tieflings have no realms of their own but instead live within human kingdoms and cities. They are descended from human nobles who bargained with dark powers during the Age of Darkness in order to forge a great empire. But eventually their empire faded into ruin, and tieflings were left to make their own way in a world that often fears and resents them. ===== Racial Traits ===== * echo "+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma:"; Tieflings possess devilish grace and charm. * echo "Outsider (Native):"; Tieflings are treated as humanoids with the outsider (native) subtype. * echo "Medium:"; As medium creatures, tieflings have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. * echo "Speed:"; Tiefling base speed is 30 feet. * echo "Darkvision:"; Tieflings can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise like normal sight, and tieflings can function fine with no light at all. * echo "Skills:"; Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on all Deception and Stealth checks. * echo "Fiendish Skin:"; Tieflings have cold and fire resistance of 5. * echo "Infernal Wrath (Su):"; Three times per day as an immediate action, a tiefling can make his next successful attack roll deal additional fire damage equal to 1d6 + his character level. * echo "Languages:"; Common, Infernal * echo "Favored Class:"; Rogue and Warlock