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Ataria is the wild frontier of Kyeen. Although as ancient as any part of the world, much of the continent's history was lost in the Age of Darkness and remains a mystery. Until the arrival of humans from Lythica to the continent, many of the Atarian natives survived in tribal communities.

Realms of Ataria

Home of the Grand Kingdom of Dispolia for which this realm is named. Although all in this realm consider themselves Dispolian, the region is made up of multiple principalities who swear fealty to Dispolia itself. The landscape features gentle hills and grassy knolls, to the east and north, resource rich mines. Surrounded by allies, Dispolia's only antagonists come from tribes of wildmen to the north and occasional monsters from Viridia in the south.

<php>echo “<b>Rogu'Terra</b>”;</php>
A massive mountain formation formed together from three separate mountain ranges. Armies of giants and other primordial creatures battle across mountains sides vying for sole control of the realm. The devastation of their terrible battles can be seen and heard for miles throughout Rogu’Terra.

<php>echo “<b>Viridia</b>”;</php>
A land of verdant growth and wild things. Viridia is considered one of the deadliest places in The Core. Aside from its vast jungles the most prominent feature of Viridia is the Gaping Maw, a bottomless chasm that is over 700 miles long and as wide as 100 miles. Prowling through the poisonous dark foliage are vicious green dragons, treacherous black dragons, cunning drow, ravenous were-creatures, and mischievous fey. Remnants of an ancient and advanced elf culture and a few dragonborn ruins are all that remain of any sort of civilization out in Viridia. The wild elves of the region remain in the shadows of all their enemies, carving out their little territories across the land. A small kingdom of high elves are cursed and trapped in the mountains under a perpetual and savage ice storm.

<php>echo “<b>Gonadrath</b>”;</php>
Gonadrath is a windswept land of lonely plains and jagged mountains, Roaming all over the plains in dangerous patrols, the undead residents of Necross carry out their daily lives in mockery of the living seeking to increase their numbers. Sharing the land with the undead are the Godar. The Godar are divided into two ethnic cultures, those living in the west are a group of noble nomads called the Despians, and their mountain dwelling cousins of the east are called the Gondartha. Together they share a common ancestry with vague ties to the city of Necross, both of the Godar claim ownership of Necross and all its treasures and secrets.

<php>echo “<b>Citica</b>”;</php>
Far to the south of Ataria lays the secluded fey touched lands of Citica a land once ruled over by cruel fey. The tyrannical fey were descendants of the mysterious Shay, who came to this land. Easily bewitching and enchanting humans the Shay ruled for hundreds of years. 300 years ago the humans rebelled against their oppressors. The strongest human clans formed into the lords realm. Currently the descendants of the enslaved humans clans now control the landscape, at least during the day.

<php>echo “<b>Kildare</b>”;</php>
The remote and far Southeast land of Kildare is a misty and featureless landscape of broken rock. The low shores of Kildare bring the high tide from the ocean in for miles washing over smooth pebbles and coral reefs. Giants are known to infest this land as they shift through the tides in search of washed up treasure.

<php>echo “<b>The Iron Curtain</b>”;</php>
Marking the far western border of the Core and the continent of Ataria lays the formidable Iron Curtain Mountains. Legends say that the peaks of these mountains burning eternally with infernal fires and that the lands beyond are cursed and godless.

Major Cities

<php>echo “<b>Dispolia</b>”;</php>
pop. 100,000
Dispolia is the newest and brightest gem of the new world. Also known as the Grand Monarchy of Dispolia, the Exalted Kingdom, and the Gem of the New World, Dispolia has many names and titles and with due worth. The city is renowned for its architectural splendor and wealth. This city was established under Luxar, the legendary man who became the god of kings. The Exalted Kingdom is also famously patroned by the goddess Illuminati, Deity of the Dawn. Illuminati had ordered her disciples to build a grand kingdom able to fight the darkness that threatens all of Kyeen. Although the chosen people of Illuminati have established a strong and thriving kingdom its borders have been flooded with massive populations and problems of conspiracy, distrust, and rioting, throwing Dispolia into a tense age. Still, the legacy of Dispolia instills a sense of optimism and hope for all during the Age of Light.

<php>echo “<b>Jindark</b>”;</php>
pop. 80,000
A large and lonely kingdom that sits atop of the whispering bluffs just in front of the Gates of Tarrapan in the Thrindraki Mountains. The Principalities of Jindark were established under the Nesues linage hundreds of years ago. They claimed unity among all the people of the land and are the rightful heirs to the wonders of Necross, city of the dead. Jindark is currently ruled under Prince Trevor Nesues.

<php>echo “<b>Irlas</b>”;</php>
pop. 50,000
The Free City of Irlas was founded by an army of dwarves and dragonborn who came together to defeat Evyngazak, a greedy green dragon who slumbered off the coast of Citica. He stole the wealth of a dwarven kingdom and hid it away in the Mons Gastepa. After reclaiming their treasures, the dwarves found they were burdened with an encumbrance of wealth that they were unable to move from the lair. The city of Irlas was formed atop the treasure-laden lair and a council made to rule over the land. Some of the human clans of the region have joined into the constitution and have since bargained for ownership of the city. Today Irlas is the main hub of all of Citica. The city is run by a council of members who oversee everything from trade and defense, to education and other upkeep.