Table of Contents


Domains represent the unique powers and abilities that deities can grant to their followers. Each domain is themed around a particular divine aspect. Clerics may select any two of the domains granted by their deity. Clerics without a deity may select any two domains (choices are subject to DM approval).

Air Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Azeal, Bahamut, Obanon
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain electricity resistance equal to your class level.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stobscuring mist, 2ndwind wall, 3rdgaseous form, 4thair walk, 5thcontrol winds, 6thchain lightning, 7thelemental body IV (air only), 8thwhirlwind, 9thelemental swarm (air spell only).

Animal Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Carabel, Crurath, Sehanine
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain the wild empathy class feature (see the druid ability of the same name), and add Nature to your list of class skills.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stcalm animals, 2ndhold animal, 3rddominate animal, 4thsummon nature’s ally IV (animals only), 5thcommune with nature, 6thantilife shell, 7thanimal shapes, 8thsummon nature’s ally VIII (animals only), 9thshapechange.

Chaos Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Brom, Demogorgon, Ethrandil, Goza, Lolth, Myya, Sehanine
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any chaos spell you cast.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stprotection from law, 2ndshatter, 3rdmagic circle against law, 4thchaos hammer, 5thdispel law, 6thanimate objects, 7thword of chaos, 8thcloak of chaos, 9thsummon monster IX (chaos spell only).

Death Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Usthara
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +4 bonus on your check and damage rolls when rebuking or commanding undead.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stcause fear, 2nddeath knell, 3rdanimate dead, 4thdeath ward, 5thslay living, 6thcreate undead, 7thdestruction, 8thcreate greater undead, 9thwail of the banshee.

Destruction Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Asmodeus, Felice, Lolth, St. Leo, Tiamat
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +1 bonus on all damage rolls, plus an additional +1 every eight class levels.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1sttrue strike, 2ndshatter, 3rdrage, 4thinflict critical wounds, 5thshout, 6thharm, 7thdisintegrate, 8thearthquake, 9thimplosion.

Earth Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Adora, Carabel, Mintarak, Moradin, Obanon
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain acid resistance equal to your class level.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stmagic stone, 2ndsoften earth and stone, 3rdstone shape, 4thspike stones, 5thwall of stone, 6thstoneskin, 7thelemental body IV (earth only), 8thearthquake, 9thelemental swarm (earth spell only).

Evil Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Asmodeus, Bane, Crurath, Demogorgon, Lolth, Mintarak, Tiamat, Vecna
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any evil spell you cast.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stprotection from good, 2nddesecrate, 3rdmagic circle against good, 4thunholy blight, 5thdispel good, 6thcreate undead, 7thblasphemy, 8thunholy aura, 9thsummon monster IX (evil spell only).

Fire Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Asmodeus, Felice, Illuminati, Obanon
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain fire resistance equal to your class level.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stburning hands, 2ndproduce flame, 3rdfireball, 4thwall of fire, 5thfire shield, 6thfire seeds, 7thelemental body IV (fire only), 8thincendiary cloud, 9thelemental swarm (fire spell only).

Good Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Alutte, Bahamut, Baupo, Brom, Carabel, Ethrandil, Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Moradin, Myya, Sagus, St. Leo
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any good spell you cast.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stprotection from evil, 2ndaid, 3rdmagic circle against evil, 4thholy smite, 5thdispel evil, 6thblade barrier, 7thholy word, 8thholy aura, 9thsummon monster IX (good spell only).

Healing Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Hylas, Mirra
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the amount of hit points restored.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stcure light wounds, 2ndcure moderate wounds, 3rdcure serious wounds, 4thcure critical wounds, 5thmass cure light wounds, 6thheal, 7thregenerate, 8thmass cure critical wounds, 9thmass heal.

Knowledge Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Baupo, Erathis, Ioun, Sagus, Vecna
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain the lore class feature (see the bard ability of the same name).
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stcomprehend languages, 2nddetect thoughts, 3rdspeak with dead, 4thdivination, 5thtrue seeing, 6thfind the path, 7thlegend lore, 8thdiscern location, 9thforesight.

Law Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Asmodeus, Bane, Erathis, Luxar, Mintarak, Moradin, St. Leo, Tiamat, Usthara
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain +1 caster level and +1 to the save DC of any law spell you cast.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stprotection from chaos, 2ndcalm emotions, 3rdmagic circle against chaos, 4thorder’s wrath, 5thdispel chaos, 6thhold monster, 7thdictum, 8thshield of law, 9thsummon monster IX (law spell only).

Luck Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Alutte, Bahamut, Baupo, Helmrod, Myya, Goza
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You can reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1sttrue strike, 2ndaid, 3rdprotection from energy, 4thfreedom of movement, 5thbreak enchantment, 6thmislead, 7thspell turning, 8thmoment of prescience, 9thmiracle.

Magic Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Ethrandil, Ioun, Sagus, Vecna
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain the use magic device class feature (see the rogue ability of the same name).
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stidentify, 2ndmagic mouth, 3rddispel magic, 4thimbue with spell ability, 5thspell resistance, 6thantimagic field, 7thspell turning, 8thprotection from spells, 9thMordenkainen’s disjunction.

Plant Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Adora, Carabel, Obanon, Sehanine
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +1 natural armor bonus, and add Nature to your list of class skills.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stentangle, 2ndbarkskin, 3rdplant growth, 4thcommand plants, 5thwall of thorns, 6threpel wood, 7thanimate plants, 8thcontrol plants, 9thshambler.

Protection Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Bahamut, Erathis, Helmrod, Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Mintarak, Moradin, Usthara
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stsanctuary, 2ndshield other, 3rdprotection from energy, 4thspell immunity, 5thspell resistance, 6thantimagic field, 7threpulsion, 8thmind blank, 9thprismatic sphere.

Strength Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Bane, Brom
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You can add your Wisdom modifier to all Strength checks and Athletics checks.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stenlarge person, 2ndbull’s strength, 3rdmagic vestment, 4thspell immunity, 5thrighteous might, 6thstoneskin, 7thBigby’s grasping hand, 8thBigby’s clenched fist, 9thBigby’s crushing hand.

Sun Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Hylas, Illuminati, Luxar, Sagus, St. Leo
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +4 bonus on your check and damage rolls when turning or destroying undead.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stendure elements, 2ndheat metal, 3rdsearing light, 4thfire shield, 5thflame strike, 6thfire seeds, 7thsunbeam, 8thsunburst, 9thprismatic sphere.

Travel Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Alutte, Azeal, Helmrod
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain a +10 foot bonus to your movement speed.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stlongstrider, 2ndlocate object, 3rdfly, 4thdimension door, 5thteleport, 6thfind the path, 7thgreater teleport, 8thphase door, 9thastral projection.

Trickery Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Alutte, Demogorgon, Goza, Ioun, Lolth, Sehanine, Tiamat
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain an additional skill point per class level, and add Deception and Stealth to your list of class skills.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stdisguise self, 2ndinvisibility, 3rdnondetection, 4thconfusion, 5thfalse vision, 6thmislead, 7thscreen, 8thmass invisibility, 9thtime stop.

War Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Bane, Brom, Ethrandil, Luxar
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain the Weapon Focus feat for the weapon group in which your deity’s favored weapon belongs. If your deity’s favored weapon belongs to more than one weapon group, you choose one of those weapon groups to gain Weapon Focus in.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stmagic weapon, 2ndspiritual weapon, 3rdmagic vestment, 4thdivine power, 5thflame strike, 6thblade barrier, 7thpower word blind, 8thpower word stun, 9thpower word kill.

Water Domain

<php>echo “<b>Deities:</b>”;</php> Baupo, Demogorgon, Mirra, Obanon
<php>echo “<b>Granted Powers:</b>”;</php> You gain cold resistance equal to your class level.
<php>echo “<b>Domain Spells:</b>”;</php> 1stobscuring mist, 2ndfog cloud, 3rdwater breathing, 4thcontrol water, 5thice storm, 6thcone of cold, 7thelemental body IV (water only), 8thhorrid wilting, 9thelemental swarm (water spell only).