Table of Contents

Merx Miraculum

The Merx Miraculum is a franchise chain of magic shops that can provide any item imaginable. It was created by a cabal of Mercanes tired of the time, expense, and danger of traveling the multiverse selling their wares. They created a network of demiplanes to house their production, distribution services, and most importantly to hoard their wealth. Their goal is a near total monopoly on magic item creation and sales.

The Merx Miraculum is divided into five parts:

The Forge

In the forge artificers create every item imaginable. They break down magic items that can't be sold into their component pieces, which creates a nearly unlimited supply of magical fuel for their creations. The forge also contain the forges in which their warforgedare created. The warforged start as guards in the Nexus but are allowed twelve hours a day to spend how they choose. Those that show promise as crafters in their spare time are given the training as artificers and are put to work in the forge.

The Nexus

The Nexus fulfills and processes orders from the regional offices. They have portals to the forge, inter-planer ring gates to regional offices, and a heavily guarded portal to the demiplane that houses the hoard.

The Hoard

The hoard is a demiplane that houses the collected wealth of the owners of the Merx Miraculum.

Regional Offices

Here orders are processed from the franchise offices and sent to the Nexus. The franchise offices are connected by an improved ring gate to the regional office. This is guarded by two golems who only let authorized personnel by.

Franchise Shops

They have a small selection of commonly needed magic items including healing potions and quall's feather tokens. They are connected to the regional office by an improved ring gate to pass a bag of holding with the gold or items for transaction. To buy or sell items not in the franchise location takes 1d4 hours.