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Some abilities are not tied to your race, class, or skill—things like particularly quick reflexes that allow you to react to danger more swiftly, the ability to craft magic items, the training to deliver powerful strikes with melee weapons, or the knack for deflecting arrows fired at you. These abilities are represented as feats. While some feats are more useful to certain types of characters than others, and many of them have special prerequisites that must be met before they are selected, as a general rule feats represent abilities outside of the normal scope of your character’s race and class. Many of them alter or enhance class abilities or soften class restrictions, while others might apply bonuses to your statistics or grant you the ability to take actions otherwise prohibited to you. By selecting feats, you can customize and adapt your character to be uniquely yours.

Acquiring Feats

Unlike skills, feats are not bought with points. A player simply chooses them for his or her character. Each character gets one feat upon creation. At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th), he or she gains another feat (PH 22). Feats are gained according to character level, regardless of individual class levels. Additionally, members of some classes get bonus feats as class features. These feats may be chosen from special lists (see Types of Feats, below, and the individual class descriptions for details). A human or half-elf character also gets a bonus feat at 1st level, chosen by the player. This feat can be of any feat for which the character qualifies.


Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he or she gains the prerequisite.A character can’t use a feat if he or she has lost a prerequisite. For example, if your character’s Strength drops below 13 because of a ray of enfeeblement spell, he or she can’t use the Power Attack feat until the prerequisite is once again met.

Types of Feats

Feats can fall into the following categories.

<php>echo “<b>General Feats:</b>”;</php> The majority of feats fall under this category. General feats tend to have little to no prerequisites, and their uses are applicable to the majority of characters.

<php>echo “<b>Combat Feats:</b>”;</php> Combat feats improve upon or expand a character’s options in combat.

<php>echo “<b>Crafting Feats:</b>”;</php> A crafting feat allows a character create a certain type of magic item.

<php>echo “<b>Divine Feats:</b>”;</php> Divine feats grant alternate or improved uses for the channel energy feature gained by clerics, paladins, and other divine-based classes.

<php>echo “<b>Ki Feats:</b>”;</php> Ki feats grant alternate or improved uses for the ki class feature gained by monks, ninjas, and samurai.

<php>echo “<b>Magic Feats:</b>”;</php> Magic feats improve upon or expand a character’s spellcasting abilities.

<php>echo “<b>Maneuver Feats:</b>”;</php> Maneuver feats are special combat techniques that can be used each encounter. A character can use any combination of maneuvers he knows a number of times per encounter equal to the amount of maneuver feats he possesses.

<php>echo “<b>Metamagic Feats:</b>”;</php> Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to augment and enhance their spells in specific ways. Applying a metamagic feat to a spell increases its effective spell level by an amount dependent of the metamagic feat applied.

<php>echo “<b>Racial Feats:</b>”;</php> Racial feats enhance and add upon the features of a particular race.

<php>echo “<b>Regional Feats:</b>”;</php> Regional feats highlight special skills and abilities a character can acquire from his or her native region.

<php>echo “<b>Skill Feats:</b>”;</php> Skill feats grant characters new ways to use skills, and can allow then to synergize with other skills or abilities.

Feat Descriptions

The following format is used for all feat descriptions.

<php>echo “<b>Feat Name:</b>”;</php> The feat’s name also indicates what subcategory the feat belongs to, and is followed by a basic description of what the feat does.

<php>echo “<b>Prerequisites:</b>”;</php> A minimum ability score, another feat or feats, a minimum base attack bonus, a minimum number of ranks in one or more skills, or anything else required in order to take the feat. This entry is absent if a feat has no prerequisite. A feat may have more than one prerequisite.

<php>echo “<b>Benefit:</b>”;</php> What the feat enables the character to do. If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.

<php>echo “<b>Normal:</b>”;</php> What a character who does not have this feat is limited to or restricted from doing. If not having the feat causes no particular drawback, this entry is absent.

<php>echo “<b>Special:</b>”;</php> Additional unusual facts about the feat.

General Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Ability Focus Special attack or spell-like ability +2 on save DC for one special attack or spell-like ability
Antagonize Ability to mark creatures Attack penalty from your mark increases to -4
Back to the Wall - +1 on attack, damage, and AC when adjacent to a wall
Companion Spellbond Animal Companion Share spells with companion at greater range
Dash - Speed increased by 5 ft. in light or no armor
Destructive Rage Rage Gain a bonus to break doors and objects while raging
Endurance - +4 on checks to avoid nonlethal damage
Diehard Endurance Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 HP
Extend Rage Rage Rage lasts an additional 5 rounds
Extra Channeling Channel Energy Gain 3 additional uses of channel energy per day
Extra Inspiration Inspiration Gain 3 additional inspiration points per day
Extra Ki Ki Gain 3 additional ki points per day
Extra Rage Rage Gain 2 additional uses of rage per day
Extra Terrain Magic Favored Terrain Use favored terrain spell-like abilities an extra 2/day
Force of Personality Cha 13 Use Cha modifier instead of Wis modifier for Will saves
Good Fortune - Gain a +2 bonus on all rerolls
Great Fortitude - +2 on Fortitude saves
Greater Holy Aura Holy Aura Extends the range of your holy aura by 15 ft.
Improved Initiative - +4 bonus on initiative checks
Danger Sense Wis 13, Improved Initiative Roll twice for initiative and choose the result
Instantaneous Rage Rage Rage as an immediate action
Iron Will - +2 on Will saves
Jack of All Trades Int 13 Use any skill untrained
Lightning Reflexes - +2 on Reflex saves
Magical Aptitude Use Magic Device Gain a +3 bonus on Use Magic Device checks
Maximize Spell-Like Ability Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher Maximize spell-like ability’s variable numeric effects up to 3/day
Marking Quarry Quarry Targets of your quarry ability can also be marked
Martial Weapon Proficiency - No penalty on attacks made with a group of martial weapons
Mental Agility Int 13 Use Int modifier instead of Dex modifier for Reflex saves
Natural Spell Wis 13, Wild Shape Cast spells while using wild shape
Quicken Spell-Like Ability Spell-like ability at caster level 10th or higher Use spell-like ability as a swift action up to 3/day
Resilient Might Str 13 Use Str modifier instead of Con modifier for Fortitude saves
Second Wind - Recover HP once per day as a swift action
Shield Proficiency - No penalty on attack rolls when using a shield
Tower Shield Proficiency Shield Proficiency No penalty on attack rolls when using a tower shield
Simple Weapon Proficiency - No penalty on attacks made with simple weapons
Skill Focus - +3 bonus on chosen skill
Skill Training - Gain an additional class skill
Toughness - Gain hit points equal to 3 + you HD

Combat Feats

Agile Maneuvers-Use your Dex bonus when calculating your CMB
Always ArmedBAB +1No penalties for using improvised weapons
Blind-Fight-Reroll miss chance for concealment
BloodthirstyBAB +1+2 on melee damage rolls against bloodied foes
Close-Quarters FightingBAB +3Use counterattack to resist grapple
Combat DefenseInt 13, BAB +1Trade melee attack bonus for damage reduction
Combat ExpertiseInt 13, BAB +1Trade melee attack bonus for AC bonus
Follow-ThroughCombat Expertise, Power AttackDeal damage with successful disarm, sunder or trip attack
Improved DisarmCombat Expertise+4 bonus on disarm attempts; no attack of opportunity
Improved FeintCombat ExpertiseFeint in combat as a move action
Improved TripCombat Expertise+4 bonus on trip attempts; no attack of opportunity
Combat ReflexesDex 13Grants additional attacks of opportunity
Vexing FlankerCombat Reflexes+4 bonus on attacks when flanking
Adaptable FlankerVexing Flanker, BAB +4Flank foe from adjacent square
Whirlwind AttackCombat Reflexes, Spring Attack, BAB +4Make one melee attack against each opponent within reach
Combo AttackWeapon Specialization (Martial Arts)Extra attack on critical hit with martial arts weapon
Concussive BlowWeapon Mastery (Maces)Make stunning attack with a mace as a standard action
Critical FocusBAB +5+4 on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits
Dastardly FinishSneak Attack +5d6Deliver coup de grace to cowering or stunned target
Deadly ForceWeapon Specialization (Guns)+4 on damage with guns against foes within 30 ft.
DeathblowImproved Initiative, BAB +3Perform a coup de grace as a standard action
Deep CutStr 15, Weapon Mastery (Heavy Blades)Make bleeding attack with a heavy blade as a standard action
Defensive Combat Training-Use your total HD as your base attack bonus for CMD
Distance ThrowerWeapon Specialization (Thrown)Double range increment of all thrown weapons
Dizzying BarrageWeapon Mastery (Thrown)Stagger foe on successive hits with a thrown weapon
DodgeDex 13Gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC
MobilityDodge+4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement
SidestepDex 15, Acrobatics 5 ranks, MobilityGain 5-foot step after making attack of opportunity
Spring AttackMobility, BAB +4Move before and after melee attack
DominationWeapon Mastery (Flails)Free attack with flail weapon on foe who is tripped or disarmed
Driving ThrustWeapon Specialization (Spears)Push foe back 10 ft. on critical hit with spear
Ensnare WeaponWeapon Specialization (Flails)Free trip or disarm attempt on critical hit with flail
ExecutionerWeapon Specialization (Axes)+4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits and extra damage on criticals with axes
Exotic Weapon ProficiencyBAB +1No penalty on attacks made with one exotic weapon
Forward AssaultWeapon Mastery (Martial Arts)Push foe on each attack with a martial arts weapon
Hack and BashWeapon Specialization (Shields)Free shield bash on critical hit with main hand weapon
ImpaleWeapon Mastery (Spears)Deal double damage and Con damage with a spear as a standard action
Improved CriticalProficiency with weapon, BAB +8Double the threat range of weapons in chosen group
Improved Shield BashProficiency with shield, BAB +1Keep your shield bonus to AC when shield bashing
Shield ChargeImproved Shield Bash, BAB +3Free trip attack with shield when charging
Shield SlingImproved Shield Bash, BAB +9Use shield as a thrown weapon
Improved Unarmed Strike-Always considered armed, even when unarmed
Deflect ArrowsDex 13, Improved Unarmed StrikeDeflect one ranged attack per round
Snatch ArrowsDex 15, Deflect ArrowsCatch one ranged attack per round
Flying KickStr 13, Dex 13, Athletics 5 ranks, Improved Unarmed StrikeGain bonus damage equal to Athletics ranks on unarmed attacks when charging
Improved GrappleDex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike+4 bonus on grapple attempts; no attack of opportunity
Mighty SwingWeapon Mastery (Axes), BAB +16Make one attack that deals triple damage with an axe
Penetrating StrikeWeapon Specialization, BAB +8Your attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction
Improved Penetrating StrikePenetrating Strike, Weapon Mastery, BAB +16Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction
Piercing BoltDex 15, Weapon Mastery (Crossbows)Make ranged touch attack with crossbow as a standard action
Polearm SweepWeapon Mastery (Polearms)Force foes to move back or provoke attack as a standard action with a polearm
Point Blank Shot-+1 bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft.
Far ShotPoint BlankShot Increases increment of ranged weapons
Precise ShotPoint Blank ShotIgnore -4 penalty for shooting into melee
Improved Precise ShotDex 19, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +11Ignore less than total cover/concealment on ranged attack
Rapid ShotDex 13, Point Blank ShotOne extra ranged attack each round
Improved Rapid ShotDex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid ShotIgnore -2 penalty when using Rapid Shot
ManyshotDex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, BAB +6Shoot two or more arrows simultaneously
Shot on the RunDex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, BAB +4Move before and after ranged attack
Power AttackStr 13, BAB +1Trade melee attack bonus for damage
CleavePower AttackGain extra melee attack after dropping foe
Great CleaveCleave, BAB +4No limit to cleave attacks
Improved Bull RushPower Attack+4 bonus on bull rush attempts; no attack of opportunity
Improved OverrunPower Attack+4 bonus on overrun attempts; no attack of opportunity
Improved SunderPower Attack+4 bonus on sunder attempts; no attack of opportunity
Leap AttackAthletics 5 ranks, Power AttackDoubles damage from Power Attack when charging
Power DrawStr 13, Weapon Specialization (Bows)Can use Str for attack and damage rolls with bows, and can use Power Attack with bows
Precision StrikeDex 13, Weapon Specialization (Light Blades)Add Dex to damage with light blade against flat-footed or flanked foes
Prime Shot-+1 bonus on ranged attack and damage against isolated enemies
Punishing BlockWeapon Mastery (Shields)Shield bash foe who misses you in melee
Quick DrawBAB +1Draw weapon as a free action
Rapid ReloadProficient with any crossbowReload crossbow or gun more quickly or gun
Reckless AttackStr 13, BAB +1Trade AC for bonus damage
RetaliationWeapon Mastery (Close-Quarters)Attack foe who hits you in melee with close-quarters weapon
Scatter ShotWeapon Mastery (Guns)Attack all in 30 ft. cone with a gun
Shield FocusProficiency with shieldIncreases shield bonus by +1
Block MissilesDex 13, Shield FocusDeflect one ranged attack per round with a shield
Shield WardShield FocusGain shield bonus to touch AC and CMD
SmashWeapon Specialization (Maces)Degrade armor on critical hit with mace
Steady ShotDex 13, Weapon Specialization (Crossbows)+4 on damage with crossbows when standing still
Sweeping BladeStr 13, Weapon Specialization (Heavy Blades)Deal damage equal to Str modifier to adjacent foe on hit with heavy blade
Swift StrikesDex 15, Weapon Mastery (Light Blades)Make two attacks at a -2 penalty with a light blade as a standard action
Two-Weapon FightingDex 15Reduce penalties for two-weapon fighting
Improved Two-Weapon FightingDex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +6Gain second off-hand attack
Greater Two-Weapon FightingDex 19, Improved TwoWeapon Fighting, BAB +11Gain third off-hand attack
Oversized Two-Weapon FightingStr 13, Two-Weapon FightingTreat one-handed weapon in off-hand as if light weapon
Two-Weapon DefenseTwo-Weapon FightingGain +1 shield bonus to AC while fighting with two weapons
Improved Two-Weapon DefenseDex 17, Two-Weapon Defense, BAB +6Gain +2 shield bonus to AC while fighting with two weapons
Greater Two-Weapon DefenseDex 19, Improved Two-Weapon Defense, BAB +11Gain +3 shield bonus to AC while fighting with two weapons
Two-Weapon OpportunistCombat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +6Gain off-hand attack when making attack of opportunity
Two-Weapon PounceTwo-Weapon Fighting, BAB +6Attack with both weapons when charging
Two-Weapon RendTwo-Weapon Fighting, BAB +11Gain bonus damage if you hit with both weapons
Versatile GripWeapon Specialization (Polearms)Threaten additional squares with polearm
Vise GripWeapon Specialization (Close-Quarters)Free grapple attempt on critical hit with closequarters weapon
Vorpal ArrowStr 15, Weapon Mastery (Bows)Attack all in a 60 ft. line with a bow
Weapon Finesse-Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light or finesse weapons
Weapon FocusProficiency with weapon, BAB +1+1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with weapon group

Divine Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Disciple of the Sun Channel Energy, Turn Undead, access to the Sun Domain Spend two uses of channel energy to destroy undead instead of turn them
Divine Armor Channel Energy, divine caster level 5th Expend channel energy as immediate action to gain DR 5/-
Divine Defiance Channel Energy, divine caster level 3rd Counter enemy’s spell as an immediate action
Divine Fortune Channel Energy, divine caster level 5th Expend channel energy as immediate action to gain +4 on next save
Divine Justice Channel Energy Expend channel energy and choose a foe, deal your damage or his
Goza’s Deception Channel Energy, must worship Goza Spend a use of channel energy to grant allies invisibility for one round
Hylas’ Mercy Channel Energy, must worship Hylas Spend a use of channel energy to heal bloodied allies in a 30 ft. burst
Illuminati’s Brilliance Channel Energy, must worship Illuminati Spend a use of channel energy to blind foes in a 30 ft. burst
Leo’s Revelation Channel Energy, must worship St. Leo Spend a use of channel energy to grant allies true seeing for one round
Luxar’s Exaltation Channel Energy, must worship Luxar Spend a use of channel energy to grant allies a free saving throw
Quicken Turning Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead Turn or rebuke undead as a swift action
Sagus’ Epiphany Channel Energy, must worship Sagus Spend a channel energy as an immediate action to gain +4 bonus to a single roll

Ki Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Elemental Ki Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki, BAB +2 Spend ki to deal +1d6 damage of chosen energy type with unarmed attacks for one round
Ki Surge Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki, BAB +6 Spend ki to deal +1d6 damage with unarmed attacks for one round
Ki Blast Wis 15, Ki Surge, BAB +10 Spend ki to attack with a ball of ki energy
Stunning Ki Blast Ki Blast, Stunning Fist, BAB +10 Stun foe hit by your ki blast for 1 round
Ki Defense Wis 15, Ki Surge Spend ki as immediate action to gain DR equal to Wis modifier
Ki Weapon Wis 13, Weapon Focus, Ki Strike Apply ki strike class feature to weapons

Magic Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Arcane Mastery Ability to cast arcane spells or spell-like abilities Take 10 on caster level checks
Arcane Strike 3rd-level arcane spells, BAB +4 Sacrifice a spell for +1 on attacks and +1d4 damage per level of the spell
Bane Magic - Spells deal +2d6 damage against a specific creature type
Combat Casting - +4 on Concentration checks to cast defensively
Energy Focus - +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
Greater Energy Focus Energy Focus +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
Practiced Spellcaster Caster level 1st Increase caster level for chosen spellcasting class by +4
Spell Focus - +1 bonus on save DCs for one school of magic
Augment Summoning Spell Focus (Conjuration) Summoned creatures gain +4 Str and Con
Diviner’s Delving Spell Focus (Divination) +2 bonus on caster level checks with divinations
Greater Spell Focus Spell Focus +1 bonus on save DCs for one school of magic
Spell Defense Spell Focus +3 bonus on saves against a specific school of magic
Spell Penetration - +2 on caster level checks to beat spell resistance
Greater Spell Penetration Spell Penetration +2 on caster level checks to beat spell resistance

Maneuver Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Action Before Thought Concentration 3 ranks Use a Concentration check in place of a Reflex save
Aimed Shot BAB +1 Make powerful ranged attack that deals extra damage
Crippling Shot Dex 13, Aimed Shot, BAB +5 Ranged attack reduces target’s land speed
Disarming Shot Dex 13, Aimed Shot, BAB +3 Ranged attack that also disarms target
Arrow Storm Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, BAB +11 Make a ranged attack against each foe within your weapon’s range increment
Blade Storm Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +11 Make main and off-hand attacks against all foes in your threatened area
Combat Alacrity Dex 15, Int 15, BAB +11 Gain an additional move action on your turn
Decisive Blow BAB +1 Make powerful melee attack that deals extra damage
Daunting Blow Intimidate 5 ranks, Decisive Blow, BAB +5 Attack renders foe shaken for 1 minute
Staggering Blow Str 13, Decisive Blow, BAB +3 Attack staggers foe for 1d4 rounds
Stunning Blow Str 15, Staggering Blow, BAB +9 Attack stuns foe for 1 round
Eviscerate Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +9 Attack with two weapons, causing opponent to bleed if both hit
Finishing Move BAB +13 Strong attack that deals extra damage to bloodied foes
Focus Beyond Influence Concentration 3 ranks Use a Concentration check in place of a Will save
Hail of Arrows Rapid Shot, BAB +7 Attack all in a 20 ft. radius area with a bow
Mind Over Body Concentration 3 ranks Use a Concentration check in place of a Fortitude save
Quick Strike Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, BAB +3 Make melee attack with a light or one-handed weapon as a swift action
Expeditious Strike Dex 15, Quick Strike, BAB +11 Make melee attack with a light or one-handed weapon as an immediate action
Recovery Swing BAB +5 Reroll a missed melee attack as an immediate action
Refocus Shot BAB +5 Reroll a missed ranged attack as an immediate action
Shield Block Shield Focus, BAB +3 Grant an AC bonus to yourself or an adjacent ally with a shield as an immediate action
Shield Counter Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus, BAB +13 Cancel foe’s attack with a shield bash
Shield Slam Improved Shield Bash, BAB +5 Daze foe with a powerful shield bash
Stopping Power Point Blank Shot, BAB +5 Make a ranged attack against an approaching foe, stopping their movement on a hit
Trick Attack Cha 13, Deception 3 ranks, BAB +3 Make foe flat-footed for a single attack

Racial Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Adamantine Body Warforged (Constructor, Defender, or Vanguard) Built-in armor plating is adamantine
Childlike Cha 13, Halfling +2 on Deception checks to pass as a human child; take 10 on Deception checks
Eclectic Human Gain an additional favored class
Elven Accuracy Elf Reroll miss chance due to concealment when using a bow
Gnome Trickster Cha 13, Gnome Use silent image and ventriloquism once per day
Hard-Headed Dwarf Take reduced damage from a critical hit once per day, +2 on saves against stagger and stun effects
Iron Skin Con 15, Dwarf Gain damage reduction 1/-
Lucky Halfling Halfling You may roll saving throw for ally once per day
Mithril Body Warforged (Constructor, Defender, or Vanguard) Built-in armor plating is mithril
Resistant Scales Dragonborn Gain energy resistance 5 to same type as your breath attack

Skill Feats

Feat Prerequisite Benefit
Acrobatic Backstab Acrobatics 10 ranks Move through foe’s space to render it flatfooted
Arcane Appraisal Arcana 2 ranks Use Arcana to identify magic items
Augment Healing Heal 2 ranks Healing spells heal an additional 2 per spell level
Bounce Back Acrobatics 10 ranks Stand up from prone as an immediate action
City Rat Streetwise 2 ranks Use Streetwise to forage for food and coin in an urban environment
Clarity of Vision Perception 14 ranks Use Perception to see invisible creatures
Denounce the Dead Religion 6 ranks, Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead Use Religion to gain a bonus when turning or rebuking undead
Escape Attack Acrobatics 6 ranks Make an attack with a light weapon when you escape a grapple
Great Leap Athletics 2 ranks Don’t double DC for standing jumps; +4 bonus on running jumps
Group Fake-Out Deception 6 ranks Feint against multiple foes simultaneously
Masterful Articulation Linguistics 6 ranks Use Linguistics to gain a bonus on any social skill check
Moral Assessment Insight 6 ranks Use Insight to discern a creature’s alignment
Never Outnumbered Intimidate 6 ranks Demoralize multiple foes in combat simultaneously
Nimble Climber Athletics 6 ranks Move at half speed while climbing without penalty
Quick Sneak Stealth 2 ranks Move at full speed while stealthed without penalty
Rapid Focus Concentration 10 ranks Maintain concentration on spell as a move action
Uncanny Focus Concentration 14 ranks, Rapid Focus Maintain concentration on spell as a swift action
Shadow Stride Stealth 6 ranks Stay hidden when moving from one hiding spot to another
Speed Crawl Athletics 2 ranks Can crawl up to half normal speed
Sure-Footed Acrobatics 6 ranks Use Acrobatics to ignore difficult terrain when moving
Track Survival 2 ranks Use Survival to follow tracks
Trapfinding Perception 2 ranks, Thievery 2 ranks Can find and disable complex and magical traps
Urban Prowler Streetwise 6 ranks Gain +4 bonus on Stealth checks in urban environments
feats.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/30 18:31 by archmage