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Untold wonders and secrets exist for those skillful enough to discover them. Through cleverness, talent, and magic, these cunning few unravel the wiles of the world, becoming adept in the arts of persuasion, manipulation, and inspiration. Typically masters of one or many forms of artistry, bards possess an uncanny ability to know more than they should and use what they learn to keep themselves and their allies ever one step ahead of danger. Bards are quick-witted and captivating, and their skills might lead them down many paths, be they gamblers or jacks-of-all-trades, scholars or performers, leaders or scoundrels, or even all of the above. For bards, every day brings its own opportunities, adventures, and challenges, and only by bucking the odds, knowing the most, and being the best might they claim the treasures of each.

Class Attributes

<php>echo “<b>Hit Dice:</b>”;</php> d6
<php>echo “<b>Alignment:</b>”;</php> Any nonlawful
<php>echo “<b>Armor Proficiencies:</b>”;</php> Light armor and all shields (except tower shields)
<php>echo “<b>Weapon Proficiencies:</b>”;</php> All simple weapons, plus the longbow, longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip
<php>echo “<b>Skill Points/Level:</b>”;</php> 6 + Int
<php>echo “<b>Class Skills:</b>”;</php> Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (Int), Athletics (Str), Concentration (Con), Cosmology (Int), Deception (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Int), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Linguistics (Int), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Religion (Int), Stealth (Dex), Streetwise (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Trade (Int), Warfare (Int)

LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialSongsSong Level
1st+0+0+2+2Bardic Melodies, Multitalented, Lore, Use Magic Device21st
2nd+1+0+3+3Skill Feat31st
3rd+2+1+3+3Bardic Melody31st
4th+3+1+4+4Well-Versed +142nd
6th+4+2+5+5Bardic Melody52nd
7th+5+2+5+5Recall Legend 1/week63rd
8th+6/+1+2+6+6Well-Versed +273rd
9th+6/+1+3+6+6Bardic Melody73rd
10th+7/+2+3+7+7Skill Feat84th
11th+8/+3+3+7+7Melodic Harmony94th
12th+9/+4+4+8+8Bardic Melody, Well-Versed +394th
13th+9/+4+4+8+8Bardic Knack105th
14th+10/+5+4+9+9Recall Legend 2/week115th
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+9Bardic Melody115th
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Well-Versed +4126th
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+10Swift Performer136th
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+11Bardic Melody, Skill Feat136th
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+11Master Bard146th
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+12Well-Versed +5156th

Class Abilities

<php>echo “<b>Songs:</b>”;</php> Unlike traditional arcane spellcasters, the bard is able to wield magic trough the power of his performances. A bard’s songs are considered arcane spells and drawn from the songs list presented in the Magic chapter of this book. He can perform any song he knows without preparing it ahead of time. Every bard song has a verbal component (singing, recitation, or music). Songs are treated as arcane spells for determining how they interact with other magic and spell resistance. Similar to other spellcasters, a bard can only perform a limited number of songs per day. The amount of performances a bard can deliver in a day is equal to 1 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Charisma modifier. Song levels determine what songs a bard is able to learn at a given level, as shown on the table above. However, whenever the bard performs a song, it is considered to be a level equal to the highest song level the bard can learn. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a bard’s song is 10 + the effective song level + the bard’s Charisma modifier. The bard’s selection of songs is limited. A bard begins play knowing two 1st-level songs of the bard’s choice. As he levels he will learn new songs, as shown on the previous table. Whenever the bard learns a new song, it must be of a level equal to or less than the highest level of song the bard is able to learn. The maximum level of song that a bard can learn is shown on the Song Level column on the table above. Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third bard level thereafter (8th, 11th, and so on), a bard can choose to learn a new song in place of one he already knows. The new song’s level must be the same as that of the song being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level bard song the bard can perform. A bard may only swap a single song at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the song at the same time that he learns a new song for that level. A bard need not prepare his songs in advance. He can perform any song he knows at any time, assuming he has not used up his allotment of performances per day.

<php>echo “<b>Bardic Melodies (Su):</b>”;</php> A bard can use his musical and oratory talents to perform bardic melodies that both inspire his allies (himself included) and distract and demoralize his foes. Activating a bardic melody is a move action, bit it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic melody from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous melody and start a new one as a move action. A bard can use songs during the performance of a bardic melody without interrupting it. A bardic melody cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A bard cannot have more than one bardic melody in effect at a time. There is no limit to the amount of bardic melodies a bard can perform in a day. Every bardic melody has an audible component, while some melodies have both audible and visual components. Targets of a bardic melody must be able to hear the bard for the melody to have any effect, and many such performances are language dependent (as noted in their description). A deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic melody. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic melodies. If a bardic melody has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to the bard for the melody to have any effect. A blind bard has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. Blind creatures are immune to bardic melodies with visual components. At 1st level, a bard can perform the following four bardic melodies:

  • <php>echo “<i>Anthem of Battle:</i>”;</php> The bard plays an inspiring melody that emboldens his allies, making them more effective in combat. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard’s melody. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. This is a mind-affecting ability.
  • <php>echo “<i>Countersong:</i>”;</php> The bard learns how to counter magical effects that rely on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform skill check. Any creature within 60 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Countersong does not work of effects that don’t allow saves.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hypnotic Ballad:</i>”;</php> The bard plays a mesmerizing tune that causes one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability. Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the bard’s level + the bard’s Charisma modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If it’s saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. This is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability that relies on both audible and visual components in order to function.
  • <php>echo “<i>Song of the Hearth:</i>”;</php> The bard plays a calming tune which allows him and his companions to rest better at night. When played during an 8 hour rest for at least 10 minutes, the bard and his allies can treat the 8 hour rest as if it were a full day of bed rest.

<php>echo “<b>Multitalented (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, the bard can choose three different categories of the Perform skill (Act, Comedy, Dance, Keyboard, Oratory, Percussion, Sing, String, and Wind). Whenever the bard puts a rank into one of these Perform skills, all three skills gain the rank instead.

<php>echo “<b>Lore (Ex):</b>”;</php> Bards are collectors of stories, rumors, and legends, and learn a great many things on their travels. Whenever the bard makes an Arcana, Cosmology, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion check pertaining to recalling a piece of knowledge or lore, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result.

<php>echo “<b>Use Magic Device (Ex):</b>”;</php> The bard can attempt to use scrolls, wands, and other such magic items as if he were a magic user of the appropriate type. When using such an item, the bard rolls 1d20 + his warlock level + his Cha modifier. If the bard has levels in another class that grants this feature, those levels stack with his bard level for determining the results of the check. You must make such a check each time you activate an item such as a wand. If you are using the check to emulate an alignment or some other quality in an ongoing manner, you need to make the relevant Use Magic Device check once per hour.You must consciously choose which requirement to emulate. That is, you must know what you are trying to emulate when you make a Use Magic Device check for that purpose. The DCs for various tasks involving Use Magic Device checks are summarized on the table below.

Task Use Magic Device DC
Activate blindly 25
Use a scroll 20 + caster level
Use a wand or staff 20
Emulate an ability score See text
Emulate a race 25
Emulate an alignment 30

<php>echo “<b>Skill Feat:</b>”;</php> As bards gain experience, they find new and more efficient ways to use their skills. At 2nd level and every eight levels thereafter, a bard can select a skill feat for which he meets the prerequisites.

<php>echo “<b>Bardic Melody (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, a bard can choose an additional bardic melody to add to his repertoire. The bardic melodies that the bard can choose from, along with their class level requirements are presented in the list below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Focusing Chant (3rd level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to help focus the minds of his magic-using allies. Allies within 60 feet of the bard gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks, Concentration checks, and attack rolls with spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter.
  • <php>echo “<i>Slanderous Song (3rd level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody can deliver a performance that makes a specific character appear in the worst light possible. Each member of the audience must make a Will save with a DC equal to the bard’s Perform check result. Success negates the melody’s effect; failure lowers the individual’s attitude toward the target by one category (friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly, etc.). Furthermore, each affected creature gains a +4 morale bonus on all opposed Charisma-based checks against the target. This effect lasts for one day per three bard levels. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.
  • <php>echo “<i>Words of Guidance (3rd level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 60 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gains a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as they continue to hear the bard’s performance. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the bard has attained beyond 3rd (+3 at 7th, +4 at 11th, +5 at 15th, and +6 at 19th). Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the DM’s discretion. A bard cannot use this ability on himself.
  • <php>echo “<i>Compelling Refrain (6th level):</i>”;</php> A bard of 6th level or higher can use his performance to make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature he has already fascinated with his hypnotic ballad. Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A bard can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. This ability is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Litany of Insults (6th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to annoy and berate his foes in combat, drawing their attention. All enemies within 60 feet who can see and hear the bard become marked, suffering a -2 penalty on attack rolls when attacking anyone other than the bard. This effect lasts until the bard stops performing or until the end of combat, whichever comes first. This is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible and visual components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Wayfarer's March (6th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to increase his party’s movement and temporarily relieve them of fatigue. All allies within 60 feet who can hear the bard gain a +10 foot bonus to their land speed and can ignore the effects of fatigue for as long as the bard performs. Allies who are exhausted are instead treated as if they were fatigued for the duration of the performance.
  • <php>echo “<i>Champion's Fanfare (9th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to inspire himself or an ally within 60 feet, enhancing their combat prowess. For every three levels the bard attains beyond 9th, he can target an additional ally while using this melody (up to a maximum of four targets at 18th level). All targets of this ability must be able to see and hear the bard in order to be affected. A creature inspired with champion’s fanfare gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Con modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +2 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. This melody is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Dirge of Despair (9th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to instill fear and doubt in his enemies, causing them to become shaken. All enemies within 60 feet who can see and hear the bard must make a Will save with a DC equal to the bard’s Perform check result. Creatures that fail the saving throw become shaken for the duration of the melody. This melody cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if the targets are already shaken from another effect. This melody is a mind-affecting fear effect, and it relies on audible and visual components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Finale of Freedom (12th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to create an effect equivalent to the break enchantment spell (caster level equals the bard’s class level). Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration and music, and it functions on a single target within 30 feet. A bard cannot use this melody on himself.
  • <php>echo “<i>Sound of Silence (12th level):</i>”;</php> The bard plays an inaudible melody, filling the ears of his enemies with deafening silence. The bard can target one creature within 60 feet, plus an additional creature for every three class levels beyond 12th. All targets must make a Will save with a DC equal to the bard’s Perform check result. If a target fails the save, it is deafened for the duration of the melody.
  • <php>echo “<i>Heroic Chorus (15th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single ally within 60 feet. For every three bard levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can affect an additional creature. All targets of this ability must be able to see and hear the bard in order to be affected. A creature inspired with heroic chorus gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. This effect lasts for as long as the targets are able to witness the performance. This is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible and visual components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hymn of Revelation (15th level):</i>”;</php> A bard can use this melody to reveal the unseen. Upon performing this melody, all allies within 60 feet that can hear the bard gain the effects of the see invisibility spell, as well as a +4 insight bonus on saving throws made to disbelieve illusions for the duration of the melody. This ability relies on audible components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Chant of Defiance (18th level):</i>”;</php> The bard sings an audacious melody, steeling himself and his allies from mental attack. While performing this melody, the bard and all allies within 60 feet that can see and hear the bard gain immunity to all hostile mind-affecting abilities for the duration of the performance. Allies who are already under the effects of a hostile mind-affecting ability can ignore its effects for the duration of the melody. This ability relies on audible and visual components.
  • <php>echo “<i>Final Requiem (18th level):</i>”;</php> The bard plays a tune that can cause an enemy to die from fear and grief. To be affected, the target must be able to see and hear the bard perform for 3 full rounds and be within 60 feet. At the end of the third round, the target makes a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the target is staggered for 1d4 rounds, and the bard cannot use final requiem on that creature again for 24 hours. If a creature’s saving throw fails, it dies. This is a mind-affecting death effect that relies on audible and visual components.

<php>echo “<b>Well-Versed (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 4th level, the bard begins to hone his listening skills, and becomes more resistant to sound-based attacks and abilities. The bard gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks, as well as saving throws made against bardic melodies, sonic, and language-dependent effects. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels after 4th, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

<php>echo “<b>Jack-of-All-Trades:</b>”;</php> The bard gains the Jack-of-All-Trades feat for free at 5th level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

<php>echo “<b>Recall Legend (Sp):</b>”;</php> At 7th level, the bard can recall a legend about an important person, object, or location. This functions in all ways as the legend lore spell, except that no material component is required and the casting time for this ability is always 10 minutes regardless of how much previous knowledge the bard has on the subject. The bard can use this ability once per week at 7th level, and twice per week at 14th level.

<php>echo “<b>Melodic Harmony (Ex):</b>”;</php> A bard of 11th level or higher can combine two bardic melodies together to provide the benefits of both. The bard chooses two melodies and activates both using the same move action. The normal stacking rules for bonus types apply to melodies combined with this ability. Additionally, the bard can begin a new bardic melody as a move action if he already has one (and only one) bardic melody already active, allowing him to start a second melody and then maintain both as a free action each round.

<php>echo “<b>Bardic Knack (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 13th level, the bard can acquire a unique class feature based on his expertise in a certain skill. The bard can choose one of the following abilities, provided he meets the skill rank requirement (shown in parenthesis) in the corresponding skill:

  • <php>echo “<i>Dancer (Acrobatics 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard gains the evasion class feature. If the bard already possesses the evasion class feature, he instead gains the improved evasion class feature. See the rogue class for more information on evasion and improved evasion.
  • <php>echo “<i>Dilettante (no skill requirement):</i>”;</php> The bard gains a bonus feat. The bard must meet the prerequisites before taking the feat.
  • <php>echo “<i>Evangelist (Religion 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard can choose two spells of up to 3rd level from the cleric spell list, and can use each of them once per day as a spell-like ability.
  • <php>echo “<i>Magician (Arcana 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard can choose two spells of up to 3rd level from the wizard spell list, and can use each of them once per day as a spell-like ability.
  • <php>echo “<i>Naturalist (Nature 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard can choose two spells of up to 3rd level from the druid spell list, and can use each of them once per day as a spell-like ability.
  • <php>echo “<i>Skirmisher (Athletics 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard gains the skirmish class feature, adding an additional 2d6 damage on any attack made during any round in which the bard moves at least 10 feet. If the bard already has the skirmish class feature, he instead adds 2d6 to the amount of bonus damage dealt when using skirmish. See the scout variant of the rogue class for more information on skirmish.
  • <php>echo “<i>Trickster (Stealth 10 ranks):</i>”;</php> The bard gains the sneak attack class feature, adding an additional 2d6 damage on any attack made against an opponent who is flat-footed or being flanked by the bard. If the bard already has the sneak attack class feature, he instead adds 2d6 to the amount of bonus damage dealt when using sneak attack. See the rogue class for more information on sneak attack.

<php>echo “<b>Swift Performer (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 17th level, the bard can perform bardic melodies as a swift action instead of a move action.

<php>echo “<b>Master Bard (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 19th level, the bard can take a 10 on any skill check, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

bard.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/24 14:14 by archmage