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Numerous metals, hides, woods, and crafting materials both mundane and exotic can be found on Kyeen, each with their own unique properties. All materials have a certain capacity for magical enchantment, which is listed in their description. When determining the market value for an enchanted weapon or suit of armor, calculate the value of the total enhancement bonus and total special properties bonus separately, and then add them together. The total enhancement bonus and the total special properties bonus are also treated separately when determining the cost of adding additional enchantments to a weapon or suit of armor. Innate enhancement bonuses on certain materials count towards their enhancement bonus capacity.


A rare ore normally found only in the deepest mines, adamantine is a nearly indestructible material. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from adamantine.

Weapons: Adamantine weapons can bypass any hardness rating of less than 20, as well as bypass the damage reduction of most constructs and similar creatures.

Armor: Armor made of adamantine grants its wearer damage reduction 1/- for light armor, 2/- for medium armor, and 3/- for heavy armor.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +5; Special Properties: +5.

Cost: Weapons: +3,000 gp; Ammunition: +60 gp; Light Armor: +5,000 gp; Medium Armor: +10,000 gp; Heavy Armor: +15,000 gp.


Invented by the arcane craftsmen of Lythica, arcanium is steel reinforced with magical energy, making it more potent in combat. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from arcanium.

Weapons: Arcanium weapons have an innate enhancement bonus of +2 and deal extra damage on critical hits. Light weapons deal +1d10 damage, one-handed weapons deal +2d10 damage, and two-handed weapons deal +3d10 damage.

Armor: Armor made of arcanium has an innate enhancement bonus of +2, and deals damage back to its creatures that hit the wearer in melee combat. Light armor deals 1 damage, medium armor deals 2 damage, and heavy armor deals 3 damage per hit.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +6; Special Properties: +6.

Cost: Light Weapons: +12,000 gp; One-Handed Weapons: +14,000 gp; Two-Handed Weapons: +16,000 gp; Ammunition: +300 gp; Light Armor: +10,000 gp; Medium Armor: +15,000 gp; Heavy Armor: +20,000 gp.


Forged in the depths of the lower planes, bloodiron arms and armor are commonly used to outfit fiendish legions. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from bloodiron.

Weapons: Evil-aligned characters gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with bloodiron weapons. Good-aligned receive a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls with bloodiron weapons.

Armor: Evil-aligned characters who wear bloodiron armor gain damage reduction of 5/good.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +4.

Cost: Weapons: +1,000 gp; Ammunition: +20 gp; Armor: +5,000 gp.


Bronze tends to be used by less advanced civilizations lacking the resources and technology to craft stronger metals. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from bronze.

Weapons: Bronze weapons suffer a -1 penalty on all attack rolls made with them.

Armor: A suit of armor made of bronze suffers -1 to its armor bonus.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +2; Special Properties: +2.

Cost: Weapons and armor made from bronze cost half of their listed base price.


Often made from wool or cotton fibers, cloth is a cheap and reliable material commonly used in clothing. Cloth is the default material for all cloth-based armor.

Armor: A suit of armor made of cloth has no bonuses or penalties.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Armor made from cloth use the standard listed price.

Cold Iron

A rare kind of iron that must be forged at lower temperatures, cold iron is used to make weapons that are effective against fey creatures. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from cold iron.

Weapons: Cold iron weapons can bypass the damage reduction of most fey and chaotic outsiders.

Armor: Armor made of cold iron has no bonuses or penalties.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +4; Special Properties: +6.

Cost: Weapons: +2,000 gp; Ammunition: +60 gp; Armor: +2,000 gp.


This rare magic wood is extremely light, but just as sturdy as normal wood. Only weapons and armor normally made from wood can be crafted from darkwood.

Weapons: Darkwood weapons weight half as much as wooden weapons. Due to their lower weight, darkwood weapons are easier to wield. One-handed weapons made from darkwood gain the finesse property, allowing them to be treated as light weapons for purposes of the Weapon Finesse feat.

Armor: Darkwood armor weighs half as much as wooden armor of the same type. Armor made of darkwood has its armor check penalty reduced by 2.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +4; Special Properties: +4.

Cost: Weapons: +500 gp; Ammunition: +10 gp; Armor: +500 gp.

Dire Hide

Dire hide armor is made from the tough hides of dire animals, making it as strong as iron armor. Only hide armor can be crafted from dire hide.

Armor: Hide armor made from dire hide has its armor bonus increased by 2, its maximum Dexterity bonus decreased by 1, its arcane spell failure chance increased by 10%, its armor check penalty increased by 2, and is considered one category heavier (to a maximum of heavy).

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Armor: +300 gp.


Its origins a mystery, divinium is the most powerful known substance on Kyeen. Divinium is exceptionally rare and rarely if ever available for purchase. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from divinium.

Weapons: Divinium weapons have an innate enhancement bonus of +6 and can bypass all types of damage reduction (except DR /-).

Armor: Divinium armor has an innate enhancement bonus of +6, and grants its wearer damage reduction of 5/epic.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +10; Special Properties: +10.

Cost: Weapons: +750,000 gp; Ammunition: +15,000 gp; Armor: +375,000 gp.


Known for their incredible resilience and protective qualities, dragon scales are highly sought after by armorsmiths and other craftsmen. Only scale mail armor can be crafted from dragonscale.

Armor: Scale mail crafted from dragonscale has an innate enhancement bonus of +3, has its armor bonus increased by 1, its maximum Dexterity bonus increased by 1, and its armor check penalty decreased by 1.

In addition, the armor grants its wearer resistance to a specific energy type depending on the type of dragon scales used. If black, green, or copper dragon scales are used, then the armor grants the wearer acid resistance 10. If white or silver dragon scales are used, then the armor grants the wearer cold resistance 10. If blue or bronze dragon scales are used, then the armor grants the wearer electricity resistance 10. If red, brass, or gold dragon scales are used, then the armor grants the wearer fire resistance 10.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +6; Special Properties: +8.

Cost: Armor: +32,000 gp.


A special material found only on the continent of Gu’Ares, draconium is a pale gold ore with elemental properties that has been mastered by draconic craftsmen. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from draconium.

Weapons: Draconium weapons have an innate enhancement bonus of +1, and any energy damage dealt by a draconium weapon has its die size increased by one step.

Armor: Armor made of draconium has an innate enhancement bonus of +1, and any energy resistance granted by draconium armor is increased by 5.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +6; Special Properties: +6.

Cost: Weapons: +7,000 gp; Ammunition: +120 gp; Armor: +6,000 gp.


Strong, sturdy, and readily available, iron is the standard metal used to forge weapons and armor. Iron is the default material for all metal weapons and armor.

Weapons: Iron weapons have no bonuses or penalties.

Armor: A suit of armor made of iron has no bonuses or penalties.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Weapons and armor made from iron use the standard listed price.


Enchanted with magical fortification, ironwood possesses the strength of iron, but still maintains the lightness and buoyancy of wood. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from ironwood.

Weapons: Ironwood weapons weigh half as much as iron weapons.

Armor: A suit of armor made of ironwood weighs half as much as iron armor.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Weapons and armor made from iron use the standard listed price.


Made from the rawhide of animals, leather is a durable yet flexible material well suited for making protective clothing. Leather is the default material for all leather-based armor.

Armor: A suit of armor made of leather has no bonuses or penalties.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Armor made from leather use the standard listed price.


A precious ore with a silvery-white appearance, mithril is as strong as steel, but incredibly light. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from mithril.

Weapons: Mithril weapons weigh half as much as iron weapons. Due to their lower weight, mithril weapons are easier to wield. One-handed weapons made from mithril gain the finesse property, allowing them to be treated as light weapons for purposes of the Weapon Finesse feat.

Armor: Mithril armor weighs half as much as iron armor of the same type. Armor made of mithril has its maximum Dexterity bonus increased by 2, its arcane spell failure chance reduced by 10%, its armor check penalty reduced by 2, and is considered one category lighter (to a minimum of light).

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +4; Special Properties: +4.

Cost: Weapons: +1,000 gp; Ammunition: +20 gp; Light Armor: +1,000 gp; Medium Armor: +4,000 gp; Heavy Armor: +9,000 gp.


A mysterious, yet potent material, starmetal is a rare ore found in large meteorites. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal can be crafted from starmetal.

Weapons: Starmetal weapons have an innate enhancement bonus of +4, and deal an additional 1d6 damage against outsiders. Starmetal weapons are treated as adamantine weapons for the purposes of bypassing hardness and damage reduction.

Armor: Starmetal armor has an innate enhancement bonus of +4. Armor made of starmetal grants its wearer damage reduction 1/- for light armor, 2/- for medium armor, and 3/- for heavy armor.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +8; Special Properties: +8.

Cost: Weapons: +40,000 gp; Ammunition: +800 gp; Light Armor: +22,000 gp; Medium Armor: +27,000 gp; Heavy Armor: +32,000 gp.


Primitive societies without ready access to metals will often craft their weapons and armor out of stone. Only weapons and armor normally made from metal or wood can be crafted from stone.

Weapons: Stone weapons suffer a -1 penalty on all attack and damage rolls made with them.

Armor: A suit of armor made of stone suffers -1 to its armor bonus, and has its armor check penalty increased by 1.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +1; Special Properties: +1.

Cost: Weapons and armor made from stone cost one quarter of their listed base price.


A basic crafting material, wood is resilient and easily shaped, making it ideal for construction. Wood is the default material for all wooden weapons and armor.

Weapons: Wood weapons have no bonuses or penalties.

Armor: A suit of armor or shield made of wood has no bonuses or penalties.

Magic Capacity: Enhancement: +3; Special Properties: +3.

Cost: Weapons and armor made from wood use the standard listed price.

materials.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/10 03:27 by kyeenadmin