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Through a select, worthy few shines the power of the divine. Called paladins, these noble souls dedicate their swords and lives to the battle against evil. Knights, crusaders, and lawbringers, paladins seek not just to spread divine justice but to embody the teachings of the virtuous deities they serve. In pursuit of their lofty goals, they adhere to ironclad laws of morality and discipline. As reward for their righteousness, these holy champions are blessed with boons to aid them in their quests: powers to banish evil, heal the innocent, and inspire the faithful. Although their convictions might lead them into conflict with the very souls they would save, paladins weather endless challenges of faith and dark temptations, risking their lives to do right and fighting to bring about a brighter future.

Class Attributes

<php>echo “<b>Hit Dice:</b>”;</php> d10
<php>echo “<b>Alignment:</b>”;</php> Any good
<php>echo “<b>Armor Proficiencies:</b>”;</php> All armor and shields (except tower shields)
<php>echo “<b>Weapon Proficiencies:</b>”;</php> All simple and martial weapons
<php>echo “<b>Skill Points/Level:</b>”;</php> 2 + Int
<php>echo “<b>Class Skills:</b>”;</php> Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Religion (Int), Trade (Int), Warfare (Int)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Channel Energy, Holy Smite, Detect Evil
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Divine Grace, Lay on Hands
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Divine Courage, Holy Aura, Turn Undead
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Divine Health, Bonus Feat
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Imbued Smite, Divine Gift
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Healing Hand
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Blessed Weapon
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Bonus Feat
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Imbued Smite, Holy Aura
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Healing Hand
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Prayer of Guidance
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Bonus Feat
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Imbued Smite, Heroic Action
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Healing Hand
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Holy Aura
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Bonus Feat
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Imbued Smite, Holy Weapon
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Healing Hand
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Holy Armor
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Bonus Feat

Class Abilities

<php>echo “<b>Channel Energy (Su):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, a paladin is blessed with the ability to channel divine energies, which power many of his abilities. A paladin gains a number of channel energy uses per day equal to 3 + the paladin’s Cha modifier. If a paladin gains this class feature from another class (such as cleric), he only gains an additional 3 channel energy uses per day instead of 3 + his Cha modifier.

<php>echo “<b>Holy Smite (Su):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, a paladin can call upon the power of his deity to smite his enemies. As a standard action, a paladin can expend one use from his channel energy pool to make a melee smite attack against a creature, ignoring any DR the target might possess (except DR/-). If the target is evil, the paladin adds his Charisma modifier to his attack roll, and deals an extra 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter.

<php>echo “<b>Detect Evil (Sp):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, a paladin can use detect evil at will, as per the spell.

<php>echo “<b>Divine Grace (Su):</b>”;</php> At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

<php>echo “<b>Lay on Hands (Su):</b>”;</php> Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can channel his divine energy to heal wounds with a touch. As a standard action, a paladin can expend any number of uses from his channel energy pool to touch himself or an ally, healing hit points equal to the paladin’s level + his Cha modifier per channel energy spent. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability.
Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing damage equal to the paladin’s level + his Cha modifier per channel energy spent. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.

<php>echo “<b>Divine Courage (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level, a paladin becomes immune to all fear effects.

<php>echo “<b>Holy Aura (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level, a paladin gains an aura that affects him and all allies within 15 ft. of him, bestowing a blessing dependent on the aura selected. The paladin chooses one aura at 3rd level, and an additional aura at 9th and 15th level. A paladin can only have one aura active at a time, and switching auras requires a move action to do so. The available auras are listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Faith:</i>”;</php> The paladin and all allies within 15 ft. of him gain DR 1/evil for every three levels the paladin possesses.
  • <php>echo “<i>Purity:</i>”;</php> The paladin and all allies within 15 ft. of him gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws versus poison and disease.
  • <php>echo “<i>Resolve:</i>”;</php> The paladin and all allies within 15 ft. of him gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws versus mind-affecting abilities such as charm and fear effects.
  • <php>echo “<i>Righteousness:</i>”;</php> The paladin and all allies within 15 ft. of him gain a +2 sacred bonus to AC and saving throws against attacks or spells made by evil creatures.
  • <php>echo “<i>Sacrifice:</i>”;</php> The paladin can transfer a portion of damage dealt to a nearby ally to himself. Whenever an ally within 15 ft. of the paladin is dealt damage, the paladin can choose to reduce the damage dealt by an amount equal to his paladin level, taking that damage himself instead. Damage taken in this manner cannot be reduced by DR or energy resistance.
  • <php>echo “<i>Vitality:</i>”;</php> The paladin and all allies within 15 ft. of him gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws versus negative energy and death effects.

<php>echo “<b>Turn Undead (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level, a paladin can repel undead with a burst of divine energy. As a standard action, a paladin can expend one use from his channel energy pool to turn undead within a 60 ft. area. A paladin is treated as a cleric of two levels lower when turning undead.

<php>echo “<b>Divine Health (Su):</b>”;</php> At 4th level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

<php>echo “<b>Bonus Feat:</b>”;</php> At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, the paladin gains a bonus combat, maneuver, or divine feat. A paladin must meet the prerequisites before taking the feat.

<php>echo “<b>Imbued Smite (Su):</b>”;</php> The paladin can invoke special prayers that enhance his smite attack. At 5th level, the paladin can choose any one of the smite abilities listed below, and can choose an additional imbued smite at 9th level and every four levels thereafter. These powers are in addition to the paladin’s holy smite attack, but the paladin may only apply one of his imbued smites to any one such attack. The list of imbued smites are listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Banishing Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, if the target is an evil outsider, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the paladin’s level + the paladin’s Cha modifier) or be sent back to its native plane as per the dismissal spell. Evil outsiders whose HD exceed 4 + the paladin’s class level are unaffected by the dismissal effect.
  • <php>echo “<i>Challenging Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the paladin marks the struck target, imposing upon it a –2 penalty to attack rolls when making any attack that doesn’t include the paladin as a target. Also, whenever the paladin successfully strikes the marked target, he heals hit points equal to his Cha modifier.
  • <php>echo “<i>Consecrated Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, if the target is undead, the paladin deals an additional 1d6 damage per two paladin levels.
  • <php>echo “<i>Dispelling Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target suffers the effects of a targeted greater dispel magic spell, with a caster level equal to the paladin’s class level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Invigorating Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the paladin gains temporary hit points equal to his paladin level + his Charisma modifier. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute or until expended.
  • <php>echo “<i>Radiant Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target is blinded for 1d3 rounds.
  • <php>echo “<i>Stunning Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the paladin’s level + the paladin’s Cha modifier) or be stunned for one round.

<php>echo “<b>Divine Gift (Sp):</b>”;</php> Upon reaching 5th level, a paladin is granted a divine gift from his deity. The paladin can select one of the available gifts listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Celestial Mount:</i>”;</php> The paladin gains the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve him in his crusade against evil. This mount is usually a heavy warhorse (for a Medium paladin) or a warpony (for a Small paladin), although more exotic mounts, such as a boar, camel, or dog are also suitable. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the paladin’s level as his effective druid level. Celestial mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6. Once per day, as a full-round action, a paladin may magically call his mount from the celestial realms in which it resides. The mount immediately appears adjacent to the paladin and remains for 2 hours per paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free action. The mount is the same creature each time it is summoned, though the paladin may release a particular mount from service (if it has grown too old to join his crusade, for instance). Each time the mount is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously. The mount also appears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed (including barding, saddle, saddlebags, and the like). Calling a mount is a Conjuration (Calling) effect equal to a spell level 1/3 the paladin’s level. At 10th level, the mount gains the celestial template (see the Monster Manual) and becomes a magical beast for the purposes of determining which spells affect it. At 15th level, a paladin’s mount gains spell resistance equal to the paladin’s level + 11. Should the paladin’s mount die, it immediately disappears, leaving behind any equipment it was carrying. The paladin may not summon another mount for thirty days or until he gains a paladin level, whichever comes first, even if the mount is somehow returned from the dead. During this thirty-day period, the paladin takes a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.
  • <php>echo “<i>Nimbus of Light:</i>”;</php> The paladin can call upon the power of his faith once per day as a standard action. This causes a nimbus of light to emanate from the paladin in a 30-foot radius. All allies in this area (including the paladin) receive a +2 morale bonus to AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls for as long as they remain in the area of light. Additionally, the nimbus of light is treated as daylight for the purposes of affecting creatures with sensitivity to light. This power lasts for 1 minute. At 10th level, the nimbus of light grants fast healing 2 to the paladin and his allies for as long as they are within the area of the light. At 15th level, the nimbus grants allies in the area resistance 10 to one type of energy, selected by the paladin when this power is activated. At 20th level, the nimbus of light increases in size out to a range of 60 feet. In addition, all of its bonuses increase. The morale bonus to AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls increases to +4. The amount of fast healing granted increases to 4. Finally, the energy resistance increases to 20 against one energy type.

<php>echo “<b>Healing Hand (Su):</b>”;</php> At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, a paladin can from one of the following abilities:

  • <php>echo “<i>Hand of Cleansing:</i>”;</php> The paladin can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his lay on hands ability to cast remove disease with a caster level equal to his paladin level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hand of Liberation:</i>”;</php> The paladin can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his lay on hands ability to cast remove curse with a caster level equal to his paladin level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hand of Purification:</i>”;</php> The paladin can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his lay on hands ability to cast neutralize poison with a caster level equal to his paladin level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hand of Restoration:</i>”;</php> The paladin can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his lay on hands ability to cast restoration with a caster level equal to his paladin level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Hand of Unveiling:</i>”;</php> The paladin can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his lay on hands ability to cast remove blindness/deafness with a caster level equal to his paladin level.

<php>echo “<b>Blessed Weapon (Su):</b>”;</php> Any melee weapon wielded by a paladin of 7th level or higher is treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

<php>echo “<b>Prayer of Guidance (Sp):</b>”;</php> At 11th level, a paladin may make a prayer to his deity, receiving knowledge in return that will aid him in the near future. This ability functions in all ways as per the divination spell, except the paladin never has a chance to receive incorrect information. A paladin can use this ability once per day.

<php>echo “<b>Heroic Action (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 13th level, a paladin is able to take quick action when his allies are in danger. Whenever an ally within sight of the paladin becomes bloodied in an encounter, the paladin may immediately take a standard action. This ability cannot be used more than once in a single encounter.

<php>echo “<b>Holy Weapon (Su):</b>”;</php> Any melee weapon wielded by a paladin of 17th level or higher gains the holy property, dealing an additional 2d6 damage against evil creatures. In addition, any critical threat the paladin scores with a melee weapon against an evil creature is automatically confirmed.

<php>echo “<b>Holy Armor (Su):</b>”;</php> At 19th level, a paladin gains DR 10/evil.

Variant: Blackguard

Whereas paladins are divine champions in the name of good, blackguards are their evil counterparts. The quintessential black knight, blackguards spread terror and death in the name of their dark deities. The blackguard has all the standard paladin class features, except as noted below.

<php>echo “<b>Alignment:</b>”;</php> Any evil
<php>echo “<b>Class Skills:</b>”;</php> Athletics (Str), Deception (Cha), History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Religion (Int), Stealth (Dex), Trade (Int), Warfare (Int)

Class Abilities

<php>echo “<b>Unholy Smite (Su):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, a blackguard can call upon the power of his deity to smite his enemies. As a standard action, a blackguard can expend one use from his channel energy pool to make a melee smite attack against a creature, ignoring any DR the target might possess (except DR/-). If the target is good, the blackguard adds his Charisma modifier to his attack roll, and deals an extra 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Holy Smite

<php>echo “<b>Detect Good (Sp):</b>”;</php> At 1st level, a blackguard can use detect good at will, as per the spell.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Detect Evil

<php>echo “<b>Death Touch (Su):</b>”;</php> Beginning at 2nd level, a blackguard can channel his divine energy to cause wounds with a touch. As a standard action, a blackguard can expend any number of uses from his channel energy pool to make a melee touch attack against a target creature, dealing damage equal to the blackguard’s level + his Cha modifier per channel energy spent. The target can halve the damage with a successful Will save (DC 10 + half the blackguard’s level + the blackguard’s Cha modifier).
Alternatively, a blackguard can use this ability to heal undead creatures, restoring hit points equal to the blackguard’s level + his Cha modifier per channel energy spent.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Lay on Hands

<php>echo “<b>Unholy Aura (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level, the blackguard gains an aura that affects all enemies within 15 ft. of him, bestowing a debilitating effect dependent on the aura selected. The blackguard chooses one aura at 3rd level, and an additional aura at 9th and 15th level. A blackguard can only have one aura active at a time, and switching auras requires a move action to do so. The available auras are listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Decay:</i>”;</php> All enemies within 15 ft. of the blackguard suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws versus negative energy and death effects.
  • <php>echo “<i>Despair:</i>”;</php> All enemies within 15 ft. of the blackguard suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws versus mind-affecting abilities such as charm and fear effects.
  • <php>echo “<i>Pestilence:</i>”;</php> All enemies within 15 ft. of the blackguard suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws versus poison and disease.
  • <php>echo “<i>Tyranny:</i>”;</php> All enemies within 15 ft. of the blackguard suffer a -2 penalty to AC and saving throws against attacks or spells made by evil creatures.
  • <php>echo “<i>Vengeance:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can inflict damage upon nearby enemies in response to being attacked. Whenever the blackguard takes damage from an attack by an enemy within 15 ft. of him, he can choose to inflict an amount of damage equal to his blackguard level back to that enemy. The blackguard may deal damage in this manner only once per round.

<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Holy Aura

<php>echo “<b>Rebuke Undead (Su):</b>”;</php> At 3rd level, a blackguard can admonish undead with a burst of divine energy. As a standard action, a blackguard can expend one use from his channel energy pool to rebuke undead within a 60 ft. area. A blackguard is treated as a cleric of two levels lower when rebuking undead.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Turn Undead

<php>echo “<b>Sinister Smite (Su):</b>”;</php> The blackguard can invoke special prayers that enhance his smite attack. At 5th level, the blackguard can choose any one of the smite abilities listed below, and can choose an additional sinister smite at 9th level and every four levels thereafter. These powers are in addition to the blackguard’s unholy smite attack, but the blackguard may only apply one of his sinister smites to any one such attack. The list of sinister smites are listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Dispelling Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target suffers the effects of a targeted greater dispel magic spell, with a caster level equal to the blackguard’s class level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Expelling Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, if the target is a good outsider, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the paladin’s level + the blackguard’s Cha modifier) or be sent back to its native plane as per the dismissal spell. Good outsiders whose HD exceed 4 + the blackguard’s class level are unaffected by the dismissal effect.
  • <php>echo “<i>Menacing Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the blackguard marks the struck target, imposing upon it a –2 penalty to attack rolls when making any attack that doesn’t include the blackguard as a target. Also, any damage the blackguard deals to the target is increased by an amount equal to the blackguard’s Charisma modifier for as long as the target remains marked.
  • <php>echo “<i>Merciless Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, if the target is bloodied, the blackguard deals an additional 1d6 damage per two blackguard levels.
  • <php>echo “<i>Stunning Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the blackguard’s level + the blackguard’s Cha modifier) or be stunned for one round.
  • <php>echo “<i>Vampiric Smite:</i>”;</php> In addition to the normal effects of the smite, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the blackguard’s level + the blackguard’s Cha modifier) or take 2 points of Constitution damage, allowing the blackguard to heal an amount of hit points equal to the blackguard’s level.

<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Imbued Smite

<php>echo “<b>Fiendish Boon (Sp):</b>”;</php> Upon reaching 5th level, a blackguard is granted a divine gift from his deity. The blackguard can select one of the available boons listed below:

  • <php>echo “<i>Fiendish Servant:</i>”;</php> This type of bond allows a blackguard to gain the service of a fiendish servant. This functions as summon monster III, except the duration is permanent and the blackguard can only gain the service of a single creature and that creature must either have the evil subtype or it must be a fiendish animal. Once selected, the choice is set, but it may be changed whenever the blackguard gains a level. Upon reaching 7th level, and every two levels thereafter, the level of the summon monster spell increases by one, to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level. Once per day, as a full-round action, a blackguard may magically call his servant to his side. This ability is the equivalent of a spell of a level equal to one-third the blackguard’s level. The servant immediately appears adjacent to the blackguard. A blackguard can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every five levels thereafter, for a total of four times per day at 17th level. At 10th level, the servant gains +2 to all ability scores and has their natural armor increased by +2. At 15th level, a blackguard’s servant gains spell resistance equal to the blackguard’s level + 11. Should the blackguard’s fiendish servant die or be banished, the blackguard may not summon another servant for 30 days or until he gains a blackguard level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, the blackguard takes a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.

<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Divine Gift

<php>echo “<b>Afflicting Touch (Su):</b>”;</php> At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, a blackguard can from one of the following abilities:

  • <php>echo “<i>Bedeviling Touch:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his death touch ability to cast bestow curse with a caster level equal to his blackguard level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Deprivating Touch:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his death touch ability to cast blindness/deafness with a caster level equal to his blackguard level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Enervating Touch:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his death touch ability to cast enervation with a caster level equal to his blackguard level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Putrefying Touch:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his death touch ability to cast contagion with a caster level equal to his blackguard level.
  • <php>echo “<i>Venomous Touch:</i>”;</php> The blackguard can spend one use from his channel energy pool when using his death touch ability to cast poison with a caster level equal to his blackguard level.

<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Healing Hand

<php>echo “<b>Corrupt Weapon (Su):</b>”;</php> Any melee weapon wielded by a blackguard of 7th level or higher is treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Blessed Weapon

<php>echo “<b>Ruthlessness (Ex):</b>”;</php> At 13th level, a blackguard is able to surge forth when he senses weakness in a foe. Whenever an enemy within sight of the blackguard becomes bloodied in an encounter, the blackguard may immediately take a standard action. This ability cannot be used more than once in a single encounter.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Heroic Action

<php>echo “<b>Unholy Weapon (Su):</b>”;</php> Any melee weapon wielded by a blackguard of 17th level or higher gains the unholy property, dealing an additional 2d6 damage against good creatures. In addition, any critical threat the blackguard scores with a melee weapon against a good creature is automatically confirmed.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Holy Weapon

<php>echo “<b>Unholy Armor (Su):</b>”;</php> At 19th level, a blackguard gains DR 10/good.
<php>echo “<i>Replaces:</i>”;</php> Holy Armor

paladin.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/08 14:11 by archmage